Ok here’s what I have so far in regards to an RSS when starting this blog entry:

  • gmail account
  • gmail reader
  • 3 websites and/or blogs that I’m subscribing to so far
  • a long ways to go!
So I head to my “GoTo” location for finding information:  Google Videos (must of which time end up directing me to YouTube) so I found two short ones that explained a couple great things to me like looking for the book mark symbols in the address/url space as well as on the physical website and how to categorize them to make your cover page.
Short post for now, as I’m going to move on but will start subscribing and report back as my cover page and subscription list starts to grow!
I’d also like to say regarding Chapter 18, it’s always nice to see a female present in the “Expert Insight” section. Even though my best friend Ann Gaffigan is a computer engineer, writes code and develops websites for a living, I feel she is in the norm for this career. Social media, according to this bible, looking strictly at the “Expert Insights” seems to be dominated by males.  What are the stats for top website developers and positions like the one Krista Canfield holds at LinkedIn?  The Nebraska Alumni Association has a female IT person, our professor for this class is also a female…  hmmm, maybe I’ll find it on a website that I can also subscribe to for my RSS lists!